Saturday, September 22, 2007

willy again

my heart pounds
body electrifies
apart again
trying to live without each other
i have just thought of you
warmth and pain
ecstasy and devastation
why does it have to be this way
it can't be the lose of comfort and knowing
our love runs deep
pumps through our veins
circulates till it reaches our hearts
it's a love insane
we have so much
the keystone all are looking for
true love
please let go of your material jail
its all yours, i do not want it
please love me for who i am
my spirit, eccentricities, my qualities you fell in love with in the beginning
why crush them, crush me,
day by day
word by word
action by action
i hide these things in my internal treasure chest, locked away from you, your family, your friends
when i secretly unlock it you are no where near and i feel safe to be me
i let a select few see the real me
did you realise you owned its key
scared to be me
terrified not to be me
scared to never be with you again
feel your touch
hear your laughter
feel our love
you are my one
as i am yours
if only you'd change
i'd follow suit
we could be happy
our love so strong
if you'd be less concrete
become an earthy clay
love and happiness would find its way

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